The Lunarfins Scuba Club was organized in 1963 by a small group of divers who worked at the Manned Spacecraft Center, as Johnson Space Center (JSC) was known back then. Since that time, membership has broadened to include anyone interested in diving. The majority of our members are in some way affiliated with NASA but this is not a requirement for membership and we have members from all across the board. The Lunarfins Scuba Club is a non-profit, member-operated club that promotes the sport of scuba diving. We are a very active club with various members on dive trips all around the world, all year long. Make sure to note upcoming events we’re holding or attending as these are great places to meet our members, relax and have a great time!
Membership Application(Word doc – will download to your computer so you can type your info.)
Membership Application(PDF in case you can’t open the word doc.)
Members of our club enjoy:
- Classes, programs and seminars to improve your diving skills and Safety and Health awareness
- Affiliation with Texas Gulf Coast Council of Diving Clubs
- Opportunity for group discounts on dive trips
- Opportunity to network with fellow divers
We have monthly meetings where we bring in speakers from the diving community to either talk about dives they have been on, technology of our sport, associations that dive and anything else related to diving.
- Website verified Feb. 29, 2024 with